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Flat Leaf Italian Parsley

Flat Leaf Italian Parsley


CSA Pickup Only
Ordering online will place you in our CSA (community supported agriculture) drop and have your organic vegetables harvested and dropped fresh every Saturday after 12pm.  We'll keep them in the cooler till you pickup. You will receive store credit for any unavailable crop.  Thank you for supporting these exceptional organic farmers!


This herb, also known as flat-leaf parsley, is sold on the stems but the leaves are most commonly used in cooking and can be added whole or chopped. Parsley has a clean and peppery taste with a touch of earthiness, making it a great all-rounder in the kitchen. Chop it up and explore garnishing your favorite dishes with it! Add some life to your kitchen: Cut the ends off when you get home and put the bunch in a cup of water, changed daily, to keep it fresh and use over a few days.

Price Options
CSA Drop
Priority Harvest Every Saturday
$3.50every week for 12 weeks
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