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Herb & Wildfowers

Herb & Wildfowers


Special Release: This batch hails from farmers in Crossville, Tennessee. They started with 3 hives and positioned them among a very large healing herb and hemp farm.  They were also brilliant in planting large rows of wildflowers that alternate and bloom through every season of the year. The bees multiplied to 13 hives and continue to split. We are not sure if its the herbs, the hemp, or the wildflower thats causing the high fertility but whatever it is, this is by far the most healthy and prolific hive colonies in the state of Tennessee that we know of.


Nutritional Benefits:   The greatest benefit of honey is its practical application in replacing sugar in our lives. Sugar is an inflammatory and makes our bodies acidic inviting sickness, cancer, and slows healing.  As a bonus it's great for allergies if you are not into comb honey.  This honey is thicker than others and is natural packed with pollen to help build up your natural immunity.

1.) Full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids.

2.) Soothe sore throats.

3.) Great with tea for morning sickness.

4.) Improves gut health and show to aid in the reduction of stomach ulcers and chronic gastrointestinal problems.

5.) Improves athletic performance by maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery time.


Are you a holistic beekeeper? We need you. Call to join the cooperative and get more for your honey and cooperative benefits.

  • Shipping Note

    Gallon and Half Gallon Jars may be substituted for quarts to ensure safe delivery. If you really need the large jar please attach a note so we know to add one.

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